Our Story

Most honey Americans consume is imported. Much of that honey is adulterated with other substances.

shallow focus photography of bee on pink petal flower
shallow focus photography of bee on pink petal flower

Even American honey can be produced with methods you disagree with.

We believe that you and the bees deserve better.

  • Antibiotics

  • Harsh chemical treatments

  • Feeding corn syrup

We built Urban Bees so you know the whole story and become part of it.

We're Different from those other honey producers.

  • Transparent

  • Natural treatments

  • Feeding only when necessary

Honey From Your Backyard

Natural pure honey straight from your neighborhood.

Our Founder

From a young age Thomas had an unwavering passion for food and the story behind it.

This passion pushed him to dive into the stories of local food production by working on farms around the country.

In 2020, when the pandemic hit, he had been working at a farm brewery in Virginia for a few years.

Feeling the urge for change and wanting to help other's become part of their food's story he founded Urban Bees.

Become part of your honey's story.